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amis et voisins


Zeewind; brise de mer

Une exposition de Liesbet Grupping

Vernissage dimanche 14 avril de 13h à 18h

Visible jusqu'à la prochaine exposition....


53 Rue Drelon, 2ème étage

63000, Clermont-Ferrand


This exhibition by Liesbet Grupping is the fruit of an exchange with Bruno Silva, artist and co-founder of home alonE. Bruno Silva solo exhibition will simultaneously take place at Violet art space, a space directed by Liesbet Grupping in Antwerp, Belgium. The artists first met during a residency at Artistes en résidence in Clermont-Ferrand in 2017.


Liesbet Grupping (°1984, Belgium, lives and works in Antwerp) delves into the elements of photography that are essential to her: time, light, space and an intervention. However, her artistic practice is not tied to a photographic outcome. She is fascinated by how things alter and appear in time; by how every action, be it consciously or not, can lead to new insights. She translates playful concepts and sensory perceptions using photography and other (visual) instruments. Through the very undertaking of observing thoroughly she questions the (inherent) ability of an image to evoke a certain reality and by extension a certain understanding. By twisting the conventional use of devices, ideas and assumptions, she creates images that reveal not only that what is pictured, but also the medium itself. Work and process are equal, balancing presence and absence, construction and deconstruction. They invite us to look closer; to grasp echoes, actions, impressions, natural and ephemeral phenomena.


Visites de l'exposition sur rendez-vous:



53 rue Drelon, Clermont-Ferrand